
Pathfinding NPC-Pet System

This was a uniquely challenging project in that it was a large system that had to be designed, involving networking, pathfinding, state systems, and a good system architecture.

Affiliated With



Full-stack Game Development


July 10, 2021


I was tasked with creating a dynamic pet system capable of pathfinidng to a user and staying by their side, with as low a network and client memory usage as possible, in order to allow it to be ran efficiently on any client machine.


I used a significant amount of vector mathematics and a custom humanoid system to enable for efficient network replication which was extremely important in both minimising redundnancy and maximising efficiency. The pathfinding was complex too, and required a state system to be implemented for each pet, and I decided to render pets on clients locally.

Here’s a link to a place where you can see the pet system yourself.

Unfortunately, the people who hired me for the commission were scammers, and stole around £300 from me.